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Working Time Agreement Eis

20 Apr 2022

Include indicative hours (max. 5 hours per week) for legal tasks (parent meetings and retrospective reports/files, assessment) in the calendar table. Depending on teaching and learning needs, include orientation hours for other required activities that meet the educational and broader needs of children, for example. B pre-planning, PRD, flexible schedules for meetings with other professionals/staff, UT meetings, etc. Depending on the needs of teaching and learning, include directional hours for other required activities that support the educational and broader needs of children, e.B. Pre-planning, PRD, flexible time for meetings with other professionals/staff, TU meetings, etc. Review activities over the past year and prioritize the remaining time. Review activities over the past year and prioritize the remaining time. Prioritization means that some activities can only take place if other times are freed up, for example.

B by being expelled from the classroom, etc. 7 Annualization problems The 195-hour model does not meet the real needs of teachers by emphasizing the following points: The 195-hour model does not meet the real needs of teachers by focusing on: “fictitious” hours for teachers` activities “Fictitious” hours for teachers` activities Real or real time for activities led by the Direction Real or real time for activities led by the Directorate Dispute over the subdivision of hours within activity bands Dispute over the subdivision of hours within the “Victory” activity bands The false “victory” denies the concept of the 35-hour week. Cancels the concept of the 35-hour week. A working time agreement (WTA) is a collective agreement concluded at school level between the trade union(s) and the director. Therefore, the workload of each teacher should be manageable within the framework of the indicative time allowances of the school……. However……….. CNTA 17 Excerpt “The total workload should be so high that it can be exceeded within the 35-hour week. Therefore, the workload of each teacher should be manageable within the framework of the indicative time allowances of the school……. However……….. Once the negotiations are concluded, they will be signed as agreed by the representative and the director.

The agreement is now binding on all employees. 12 Management Resolution Submit concrete proposals to the management meeting Concrete proposals at the management meeting Review/amendment in accordance with the industry resolution Revision/amendment in accordance with the industry resolution Consultation of other UT of the EIS position Consultation of other UT of the EIS position Submission of proposals to management for negotiations Submission of proposals to management for negotiations outcome of negotiations on Return decision to branch Withdraw from agreement. The representative of the EIS signs an agreement. The role of Apprenticeship Union Representative (ULR) Emily Spencer-Rigby. Each Local Teachers` Bargaining Committee (LNCT) offers advice to schools in your area on organizing a WTA. Aberdeen City Council 2008 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT VISITS TO THE SCHOOL BOARD Alan Stewart. . .
