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5 Ps Formulation Worksheet

16 Jan 2022

All of this helps us balance power. Formulation. The “5 Ps” are the titles of the five different sections of this formulation under which the information is organized. The following definitions are based on Johnson and Dallos (2014). Now we are all trapped. Let`s move on. For context, our formulation aims to have it take place as Anakin has just transformed into Darth Vader and focuses on his “presentation difficulties” at this point. (For the Star Wars fans among us, of course, it`s the end of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.) However, some believe that 5Ps are a “biopsychosocial” formulation. While this sounds like a pseudo-scientific term from a cheesy 1980s sci-fi movie, it simply means that the formulation takes into account three themes of factors that contribute to a person`s difficulties: So here it is – our understanding of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader with the 5 Ps: So, let`s be real formulation. If Anakin had his own 5 ps that sums up his slippery slope to the dark side, it would be more like Pod-Racing, Padowan, Padmé, Palpatine & Planet-destroying-death-star. but we will stick to our psychological terms to learn things. Before writing this, I “had to” revisit the entire Star Wars saga in chronological order for “blog research”.

and I would recommend this as a great way to spend your time in lockdown. However, don`t worry if you`re more into psychology than science fiction here – having seen the Star Wars movies isn`t necessary to understand this formulation! For those who would find this helpful, here`s a quick reminder of who Anakin is and some of the most important life events we`ll consider. Case designs (formulations) help therapists and clients reach a common understanding of a problem. This simple WORKsheet on THE FORMULATION OF CBT examines the origin and maintenance of a problem in an accessible and attractive format. Despite its wide use, the 5 Ps are criticized because they oversimplify a person`s presentation and have no theoretical basis. There are arguments that the 5 Ps formulation simply lists different factors rather than taking into account the theoretical links between them, which helps to conceptualize an individual`s difficulties in more detail. Whew. so, that`s it! A very complete formulation that tries to understand the motivations of one of the most popular and complex villains in cinema. We know that Darth Vader was consumed for years by the dark side of the Force and committed terrible acts as part of the leadership of the Empire. As our favorite little green Jedi once said: (For an introduction to CBT and situational formulation – see my latest post here) Welcome to post number two! We explore another basic element of psychological formulation: The 5 Ps.

Our screen star this week is Anakin Skywalker. whose troubled journey leads him to one of the most iconic villains of all time, the Sith Lord himself – Darth Vader. From our formulation, however, we think that the path to the dark side would be described in more detail than: This is a case formulation diagram of psychology tools (case conceptualization). Simply put, case formulation is a method in which the client and the therapy come to a common understanding of a difficulty. The wording contextualizes the difficulty and makes its origin and maintenance understandable. Case formulations are best done together, with clients positioned as “experts themselves”. As you can see, this is a fairly simple concept for a formulation. It is therefore understandable that it is so widely used. The 5 Ps structure can be an easy way to organize information with the client in the therapy room, as well as a holistic approach to team formulations, especially since it is a model often familiar to many disciplines. Perpetuation factors are likely to have had the strongest influence on Anakin.

There was such a wide range of things that supported his current difficulties, which meant that he was unable to use his protective factors to mitigate his challenges. There is often some overlap between “presentation factors” and “immortalization factors,” but to maintain the factors, we look at things that maintain current difficulties, such as thought patterns or behaviors that lead to negative consequences. To organize them a little more clearly, I organized them into CBT categories of “thoughts and emotions,” “physiology,” “behavior,” and “environment.” This is the same as what was used in the situational formulation in my previous article. We can think of these types of situation cycles when we describe perpetuation factors (e.g. B vicious circles of thoughts/feelings/behaviours). A case formulation (case conceptualization) can be seen as a way to help a client understand what their difficulties are, where they come from, and what keeps them alive. CBT packaging formulations often have 5 ingredients: 5 Ps is one of the most commonly used formulations in the clinical setting. It allows a structured conceptualization of an individual`s emerging problems. Contrary to the formulation of the CBT situation, the 5 Ps begin to go beyond the “here and now” to take into account the historical factors that have contributed to the development of an individual`s difficulties.

It also looks at the factors that maintain these difficulties and describes the factors of a person`s resilience. In addition, it goes beyond simply taking into account the inner experiences of the individual (e.g. B cycles of thought and feeling) and how these contribute to mental health problems to account for the influence of broader systemic influences. Some formulation models can get a bad reputation if they focus only on more negative presentations and contributing factors. It is assumed that these models may overlook positive factors such as a person`s strengths and resilience, which can protect them from the effects of difficult past experiences and/or provide them with useful tools to positively manage their mental health issues. A strength of the 5 Ps, therefore, is that it makes us actively consider these two areas: this friendly formulation diagram presents all these 5 Ps in an accessible way, framed by the question “How did the problem evolve?”. The high expectations and pressure exerted on Anakin by his models (Jedi Council) that he is the “chosen one” to balance the Force. And one last thought. While Anakin`s close ties to his wife and family helped him turn to the dark side, we also know that in the end, these attachments were also a protective factor that allowed him to save his son Luke Skywalker and (literally) overthrow the evil emperor! Better late than never anyway, Dark.. Like what. The factors that perpetuate themselves can be cycles of negative thinking. Feeling of a lack of control/power because Anakin and his mother were slaves.

They were unable to leave their slave owner (Watto) or make decisions about their own lives. Anakin had also measured his self-esteem in the price he had been sold as a slave. It is also likely that he felt different from others and a “pariah” because of these circumstances. Overall, the main problem is probably that Anakin turns into a Sith lord and uses the dark side of the Force to build an “evil empire” dictatorship. but if you break it down psychologically, your presentation problems may look a bit like this: without opportunities for age-appropriate learning, creativity, and socialization. Do not work at school and from an early age in a workshop. The next step is to examine which internal or external events triggered the onset of Anakin`s presentation issues. You can see this clearly in the movies where Anakin begins to experience extreme distress and struggles to manage his emotions after a number of stressors. e.B.

predisposing factors may be genetic family history. For this reason, the 5Ps can potentially provide a framework that has the freedom to rely on a number of different factors, including a variety of psychological theories and principles, e.B attachment theory or systemic approaches. However, 5Ps are often associated with the CBT model, as observed by Johnstone and Dallos (2014). Therefore, for our example, I`m going to use this biopsychosocial idea and build on a number of different underlying approaches, but most of them come from a CBT perspective. Exposed from an early age to a potential and real danger/trauma, i.e. the constant activation of its “threat” or “fight or flight” system. .